Just Start, Already

The blank page.
The blinking cursor.
The white canvas.

When it comes to writing, art making or even that mounting pile of laundry, sometimes the hardest thing is starting. Even writing this blog post has been a bugger. I've had ideas. I just couldn't seem to get started. So that's what I'm writing about today.


Make some art today. Gather lots of supplies or just two.

Here's some art I made one morning using only two supplies - a piece of brown packing paper from a Dick Blick delivery and a water brush filled with Sumi ink (Pentel aquash brush).

I believe there are two issues (at least) that often keep us from starting:

  1. That nagging feeling that we must always do our best, create the next masterpiece, make something someone wants to buy...
  2. Lack of inspiration - It's wonderful when you feel inspired but more often than not, the inspiration follows perspiration. In other words, just do the work and hopefully that will usher in the inspiration. If not, there's always tomorrow. 

My process for the inky bird

I just wanted to play with the Sumi ink because of its richness and depth so I grabbed the wrinkled packing paper and quickly sketched my favorite subject - a bird. By using the packing paper, I didn't feel like this had to be my "best" work. By skipping a preliminary sketch or under-drawing, I didn't spend a lot of time on it. This was freeing because I could sketch quickly and not second guess myself.  You can see by my cup of coffee that this was a morning activity - a warm up, really. But I am happy with the inky bird and it is a part of my studio display as we speak  I type.

So, do you need to just start something today? I can't help you with your laundry but hopefully my inky bird on wrinkled paper will, dare I say it, INSPIRE you to make a little art today.

Art Tip - One of my favorite supplies is Sumi Ink. Sumi ink is a permanent black ink that is used for calligraphy and painting. It's opaque and waterproof when dry. Try it, you'll like it! 

artfully yours,


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